Sunday, May 18, 2008

Stupid Sniper Tricks

From International Herald Tribune comes this bit of stupidity.
An American soldier used a Koran, the Islamic holy book, for target practice in an area west of Baghdad, prompting an apology from the U.S. military.

The next time some wingnut tells you that Islam is a religion of hate ask them if just maybe they would be pissed off if they saw video of a member of the Iranian military taking target practice on a copy of the King James Version.

Oh, right, that is different isnt it

Silly me


  1. The only thing the Koran is good for is to be riddled with bullets since it was written by a false prophet. At least now THAT copy of the book is holey!

  2. Hard to respond to such a stupid eliminationist piece of bullshit but let's just say that I hope that the cheetos haven't stained your fingers too much.


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