Monday, May 19, 2008

A few of his close friends

Obama staged a little get together in Portland yesterday

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland today to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
Obama was the biggest star at Sunday's gathering -though a popular Portland band, The Decemberists, provided the warm-up act. With blue skies and temperatures in the 80s, thousands waited in lines that snaked through downtown Portland streets.

According to the Census Bureau Oregon is 90% white and about 2% black. Yeah, he has a terrible time connecting with them white folks.

Fuck but our narrative is stupid...

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