Thursday, May 22, 2008

Demographics Vs the GOP

from NewsHounds via Group News Blog
Colmes asked, “Why inject the word white and use golf as if you're painting Republicans as white people who play golf and won't vote for a black guy?”

Morris smiled gleefully and said, “'Cause 90% of the Republican Party is white. I'm not sure 90% plays golf but a lot do.” He didn't mention anything about Republicans' willingness to vote for an African American.

So ... a Republican strategist is now gleefully saying that the Republican party is made up of White Folk. Purely as an exercise in maintaining the existence of the party as a political force wouldn't you think that they wouldn't be so happy about tying themselves to a declining demographic?

And speaking of demographics ... from golfonline

Golfers are your ideal customer: The typical golfer is male, 39 years old, has a household income of $63,300, plays 21 rounds per year, and is an active consumer.
GOLFONLINE delivers the cream of the crop. Our user is male, 46 years old, has a household income of $95,000, plays 47 rounds per year and made five or more online purchases in the past twelve months.

And from the US Census Bureau for the same time period (2004) the median family income in the US was $44,389.

Yeah, it is the Democrats that are the "elite"

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