Friday, March 25, 2011

Zandar has this slightly wrong

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Served With Canadian Fakin':
"As Canada's PM Stephen Harper's government gets fried up like back bacon this afternoon, it's important to note why Harper is really getting the axe, and the answer is that Canada's budget woes are directly the result of the fact that Canada did not escape the housing crisis like so many have been led to believe."

There is, sadly, no evidence that the other parties will actually be able to beat the Conservatives this time out. I will cheer them on (and I do after all get to vote in Canadian Elections -- Yay) but I just can't see the numbers breaking that way unless they get pictures of Harper BBQing kittens.

I also don't agree with the CMHC bashing that I have noticed lately a couple of places. I have to ponder the matter more and gather my thoughts but to compare CMHC with Fannie and Freddie is inapt.

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