Friday, March 25, 2011

How Long Will Greg Gandrud Last?

Right-Wing Activist Frets Over Gay Member Of The California Republican Leadership | Right Wing Watch: "The California Republican Assembly represents the state’s hard-right activists that Ronald Reagan called “the conscience of the Republican Party.” The group wants government guided by “moral law as expressed by the Judeo-Christian ethic and contained in the Holy Scriptures of these historic faiths” and said the “government is duty bound” to oppose marriage equality."


  1. The Laws of Heaven are that we not judge ourselves or others. Greg Gandrud comes from a
    multi-generational heritage of political leaders who have had high ethical standards. His qualifications are well met and he should not be
    judged by his sexual orientation.

    Jo Anne Mackby

    [not Anonymous]

  2. I would like to think you are correct Jo Anne. I am pleased to say that so far the loons have not succeeded in driving him out of the party.

    I do have to note that it is odd to see a comment on a 10 month old post.


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