Monday, March 21, 2011

Rabbi Harold Kushner can STFU too

Finding faith amid disaster – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs: "

Natural disasters are acts of nature, not acts of God. God cares about the well-being of good people; Nature is blind, an equal-opportunity destroyer.

Where is God in Japan today? In the courage of people to carry on their lives after the tragedy. In the resilience of those whose lives have been destroyed, families swept away, homes lost, but they resolve to rebuild their lives. In the goodness and generosity of people all over the world to reach out and help strangers who live far from them, to contribute aid, to pray for them.

How can people do such things if God were not at work in them to lend a counterweight to a natural disaster?"

I don't know where to even begin with this tripe.

Step 1) Absolve God of all blame
Step 2) Grant to God the benefit of people doing their best to muddle by in a hopeless situation
Step 3) Assume that people are weak and useless animals and have no ability to deal with things except through God's grace.

This is disgusting.

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