Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fuckwittage: Sean Duffy and Joe Johns Edition

Sean Duffy To CNN: TPM Selectively Edited My Video! | TPMDC:
"On CNN Newsrom today, CNN reporter Joe Johns accused TPM of posting a 'selectively edited' version of the town hall appearance where Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) discussed 'struggling' to live on his $174,000/ year salary. The accusation came by way of Duffy's office, which Johns reported said the clip had been deliberately cut to leave off Duffy saying he would support cutting his salary."

However, if you watch the full video it actually makes Rep Duffy look even more clueless (imho)
Go over to TPM and see the full and edited versions and tell me if CNN is being used to try to make TPM look like Breitbart?

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