Sunday, May 3, 2009

You have got to be kidding me

BCS vs. playoff debate comes to Capitol Hill -
College football's perennial armchair-quarterback argument over the need for a clear-cut national champion came to Capitol Hill Friday.

The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection held a hearing to dissect the Bowl Championship Series, asking whether the model needs to be tweaked, overhauled or done away with altogether.

Four witnesses testified at the morning hearing, including championship series coordinator John Swofford and Alamo Bowl President Derrick Fox; both of whom defended the current system, though Fox conceded that "no system is perfect and the Bowl Championship Series is not perfect.

The economy is still in a freefall, there is apparently the possibility that public employee pension funds are being robbed blind by so-called placement agents and there are any number of other actually important things that a House subcommittee on Commerce could be dealing with. I don't care that it only took a morning, this is shit that just doesn't need to be done right now.

And politicians wonder why so many people think they live in their own little world.

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