Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Interesting Times in Nova Scotia

Ready to vote? Nova Scotia's minority Tory government falls
Nova Scotia's opposition MLAs voted down a finance bill Monday, prompting the fall of the minority Progressive Conservative government and setting the stage for an election.

Premier Rodney MacDonald said he plans to meet with Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis on Tuesday to ask her to dissolve the legislature. Tradition dictates she will grant his request to head to the polls on June 9.

The last provincial election was in June 2006.

The MacDonald government collapsed over its plan to spend $260 million instead of putting it toward the province's $12-billion debt, as is required by law.

I was born in NS and my daughter still lives there. It will be interesting to see how this ends up. Personally, I am pulling for Darrel Dexter and the NDP. I knew him briefly many years ago and he always struck me as an intelligent and pragmatic man.

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