Sunday, June 8, 2008

Which Obama Narrative Will be most popular among wingnuts?

  1. Barack Obama is a Communist
  2. Barack Obama is a Fascist
  3. Barack Obama is a Corporate Tool
  4. Barack Obama is a Muslim
  5. Barack Obama is a Radical Black Liberationist
  6. Barack Obama hates America
  7. Michelle Obama hates America
  8. Barack Obama will weaken the military
  9. Barack Obama is a tax and spend Democrat
The careful reader will note that a couple of these are mutually exclusive ...

1 comment:

  1. You forgot Barack Obama is a Muslim/ Barack Obama is a member of a radical Black Church.

    Barack Obama is a Radical Black Liberationist/Barack Obama is an Oreo

    Barack Obama will weaken the military/Barack Obama will invade Iran


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