Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Stupidest Employer Award goes to Dan Hilliard

From CBC
A 36-year-old waitress at an Owen Sound, Ont., restaurant lost her job this week after she shaved her head to raise money for a cancer charity.

Stacey Fearnall raised more than $2,700 for the charity Cops for Cancer, a local fundraiser for cancer research.

Then the 36-year-old waitress at Nathaniels restaurant was laid off when she showed up for work earlier this week with her newly shorn look.


She said she told her bosses what she was planning to do, but when she arrived at work at the restaurant practically bald, she said they sent her home and told her she wasn't welcome back.

"'We'll call it a layoff.' That's what he said," Fearnall said her boss told her. "'Spend the summer with your kids.' I call it losing my job."

Nathaniels owner and chef Dan Hilliard issued a statement late Thursday saying Fearnall did not advise him that she was planning to shave her head.

Followed up by ...
In a written statement, Hilliard offered a qualified apology to Fearnall, the Canadian Cancer Society and the general public, which reacted furiously to the decision to send the civic-minded waitress home.

Hilliard said he was sorry for "failing to resolve the issue" before Fearnall contacted the media, and he called her an "excellent" employee.

The statement, which insisted Fearnall wasn't fired, said the public outcry has been devastating to the restaurant and has upset the other employees.

Hilliard said he would encourage staff to support various charities — including the Canadian Cancer Society. He could not be immediately reached for comment Monday, and the restaurant remained closed.

A voice-mail message thanked patrons for "their understanding."

Fearnall said the furor over her treatment has had one positive effect.

"The best thing to come out of it is there's been another $2,000 in donations for the Canadian Cancer Society," she said. "That was the original intent, so that is great."

How about this for an apology instead ...

Dan Hilliard: I fucked up. I really fucked up. Fuck was I stupid. I am sorry to everyone involved in this mess. Please forgive me.

I bet that someone could get a good deal on a restaurant in Owen Sound right about now...

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