Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Laptops and Privacy

from Daily Breeze
"I think it will surprise people that their laptops are subject to search without any level of suspicion when they get to a border checkpoint," added Jennifer Chacon, a law professor at the University of California, Davis.

"I think it may change the way people travel," she said.

Chacon warned that people carrying laptops with proprietary business information should know that a government agent has the right to search their computers at the border.

"As people become aware of this possibility, companies may be clearer with their employees about when they should carry their laptops across borders, and people may be more cautious," Chacon said.

As someone that routinely travels with a laptop (or 3) this concerns me but I think that the more important issue is that it seems to mean that any device with an electronic memory is fair game for search and/or seizure at an airport. It will be interesting to see if that begins to extend to other modes of transportation as well.

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