Wednesday, April 23, 2008

MS-01 and the General

I agree that this is the big news from last night (via OpenLeft) ..

The most significant result of the night is in Mississippi's 1st district, not Pennsylvania (which Jonathan Singer live-blogged at MyDD). In MS-01, Democrats forced a run-off. Democrat Travis Childers took 49% of the vote against Republican Greg Davis, and if you combine the other Democrats in with Childers, Democrats took more than 50% of the vote. And this is an R+10 district.

Think about that a while the next time someone says to you that it doesn't matter that Obama is doing well in Red States because he isn't going to win them anyway. With a well funded campaign and everyone on board and pulling together (to mix a metaphor) I can see a 100+ electoral vote win here.

Of course .. i could just need stronger meds .. but a man can dream

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