Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cindy McCain's taxes-IOKIYAR again or is John McCain just a kept man?

OK, I am confused ...

Barack and Michelle Obama released their taxes.

Hillary and Bill Clinton released their taxes.

John McCain released his taxes ... but Cindy McCain didnt.

Why the fuck isnt this a big story on the bobblehead circuit?

Does anyone seriously think that if Hillary had released just her financials and said that what Bill made really didnt matter because her money was hers and his was his they would have bought it? Does anyone think that John McCain can donate 26% of his income to charity because they live frugally and he is just a damned fine fellow? And how does he pay the mortgages on those houses on such a small salary because surely he didn't have the money to put down to buy them outright.

So .. let me see .. who does McCain remind me of .... Oh .. yes ... This fellow

Now, am I implying that just maybe McCain isnt the principal breadwinner in his family and perhaps that is a bad thing? Yes and no. If I could find an heiress to keep me in the style to which I would like to become accustomed I would snap her up in a second too... but I wouldn't pretend that it didnt matter how much money she had...

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