Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On E-Verify

Daily Kos: E-Verify: Lamar Smith's fact-free defense:
"A week ago I wrote in The Hill about Georgia's failed e-verify experiment, with hundreds of millions of crops rotting in the fields because farmers can't get enough workers to harvest them. In fact, the situation is so dire that the state has even tried to get criminal probationers to fill the gap left by thousands of undocumented workers, all to no avail."
E-Verify is a mess if my experience with it is any indication. I am a Canadian citizen who works in the US under the auspices of NAFTA on a so-called TN-1 visa. It isn't really a visa but that is another matter, the effect is the same as if it was. I have been through e-verify twice and twice was incorrectly listed as NOT being legal to work in the US. Each time is was something that was very easy to clear up (because I know the kinds of errors that are likely) but it did not exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling about e-verify. Relying on it is stupid. Period.

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