Monday, July 4, 2011

Michele Bachmann might not be a dangerous religious loon

Bachmann At Iowa Church: 'Turn Away From Our Wicked Ways' And God Will 'Heal Our Land' | TPMDC:
"'We too are at a crucial time today,' said Bachmann. 'And I think it is for us to remember, that if we do as Chronicles tells us, if we humble ourselves, and pray and confess our sins, and turn away from our wicked ways, and ask an almighty God to come and protect us and fight the battle for us, we know from his word, his promise is sure. He will come. He will heal our land. And we will have a new day.'"

What am I saying? Of course she is. This is dangerous talk and should be the kind of thing that is disqualifying for someone that wants to be President of the US.

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