Thursday, October 25, 2007

Purely as a public service

Little Green Footballs has a redirect that doesnt allow you to see the truly fabulous insights if you come at it from Sadly, No! so as a public service I have repeated the links in this post here.

Please go to Sadly,No! to get the full commentary though.

New Republic’s False Stories Now on Drudge Report
Not a Terrorist, Nuh-Uh, No Way
Amnesty International: Terrorists Fail to Respect Human Rights
Mahmoud Abbas ‘Military Wing’ Attempts Murder, US Gives Them $410M
Zombie: Haters Attack Nonie Darwish at Berkeley
Bad Craziness in the United Arab Emirates
YouTube Helps Whitewash Cat Stevens’ History


  1. Hey Rob, I and my cats appreciate your selfless devotion to truth and whatnot. The world needs more of this blogwhoring, errr, public service.


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