Wednesday, October 24, 2007

David Horowitz is a HUGE wingnut

Using the term "fascism" in your campaign, you are promoting a negative connotation about Islam in general, even if you say that you are not attacking Islam as a religion and that you are attacking fundamentalist Muslims rather than all Muslims.

Non-Muslim Americans who know nothing about Islam might very much get affected by your campaign's propaganda and take a negative first impression about Islam.

If I ran a campaign against German fascism or Italian fascism or the fascist Axis during the Second World War would you say I was running a campaign against all Italians, all Germans, all Japanese. If you have a problem with the association of Islam and terror, you need to take your complaints to Zawahiri, bin Laden, Nasrallah and other terrorists who justify murder in the name of Islam.

If David Horowitz had the smallest clue about what actually constituted a fascist society he would have somewhat more credibilty. But then he wouldn't be David Horowitz.

Thanks to Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo for the tip to this bit of "engagement" by David Horowitz in defense of Islamofascism Awareness Week.

I give high marks to for allowing this fool on. They understand that the best way to discredit an enemy that is a loon is to expose their silliness for all the world to see. The sad part is that Horowitz probably thinks that he came out pretty well.

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