Friday, October 26, 2007

Muslims against Sharia (cough bullshit cough)

Uh… just wondering what a conservative Jew was doing in a group called Muslims Against Sharia.

Pam Geller is a member of "Muslims Against Sharia". That is roughly like my large and hungry cat Max being on the board of "Mice for Cat/Mouse Friendship".

I wouldn't normally take a shot at a commenter on my blog, mostly because I dont get many, but when a organization displays the level of deception that this one does then it is time to play Whack-A-Mole.

Go read more about this foul group at The Freethinker


  1. “Pam Geller is a member of "Muslims Against Sharia"”

    Only an idiot would make a conclusion based on twisted ‘facts’ of another idiot. But when this idiot is accusing someone of lying based on his baseless conclusion, it is beneath contempt.

  2. Being beneath the contempt of an organization such as the one that left this comment makes my day!!

  3. As long as both of us know that you're an idiot.


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