Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Obama nearly gets it .. Clinton ... getting closer to getting it

Sen. Feingold is also not a happy camper. Obama has stepped up and issued a statement that says he can’t support the bill the way it is.

“Senator Obama has serious concerns about many provisions in this bill, especially the provision on giving retroactive immunity to the telephone companies. He is hopeful that this bill can be improved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. But if the bill comes to the Senate floor in its current form, he would support a filibuster of it.”

He’s coming around on the right side of the issue which is great, but we need to let him know how serious we are about a fillibuster.

We’re also are putting out the Action Alert to Hillary Clinton as well. She needs to continue to step up and stay on the bus with Chris Dodd on a fillibuster as well. Here’s her latest statement on the Telecoms:

HRC: I am troubled by the concerns that have been raised by the recent legislation reported out of the Intelligence Committee. I haven’t seen it so I can’t express an opinion about it. But I don’t trust the Bush Administration with our civil rights and liberties. So I’m going to study it very hard. As matters stand now, I could not support it and I would support a filibuster absent additional information coming forward that would convince me differently.

We’re also interested in making sure all the Senators stand tall against retroactive immunity. Please call these numbers early and often:

Phone numbers:
Clinton Presidential: 703-469-2008 Senate : (202) 224-4451
Obama Presidential: 866-675-2008 Senate: (202) 224-2854

No comment necessary. Just do the work, call them, shame them, make them listen!!

Full story at Crooks and Liars

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