Thursday, June 20, 2013

For my Christian BDSM friends

And yes, I know you are out there ...

This just strikes me as damned odd.

 Domestic discipline is the practice between two consenting life partners in which the head of the
household (HoH) takes the necessary measures to achieve a healthy relationship dynamic; the
necessary measures to create a healthy home environment; and the necessary measures to
protect all members of the family from dangerous or detrimental outcomes by punishing the
contributing, and thus unwanted, behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. In addition
to punishing the unwanted behaviors, the head of the household is responsible for reinforcing
positive behaviors for the greater good of the entire family. The head of the household is
ALWAYS to conduct themselves in a very safe, loving, healthy, controlled, and composed manner.

And to be clear, the HoH is ALWAYS the husband. This just strikes me as a power dynamic that is completely fucked.

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