Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On Why Coding Standards Are Not That Bad

Good Math, Bad Math:
"Well, then, it's rough to be you: you're screwed. But that's not really because of the ridiculous coding standard. It's because you're working for idiots. Screwing up a coding standard enough to really prevent good programmers from writing good code is hard. It requires a sort of dedicated, hard-headed stupidity. If you're working for people who are such idiots that they'd impose a broken coding standard, then they're going to do plenty of other stupid stuff, too. If you're working for idiots, you're pretty much screwed no matter what you do, coding standard or no. (And I don't mean to suggest that software businesses run by idiots are rare; it's an unfortunate fact, but there's no shortage of idiots, and there are plenty of them that have their own businesses.)"

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