Sunday, December 19, 2010

Two new polls show Palin trailing badly in 2012 match up against Obama - National Political Buzz |

Two new polls show Palin trailing badly in 2012 match up against Obama - National Political Buzz | "If one were to read the polls published by the lamestream media in China and Burma, one would assume that the Dalai Lama and Aung Sang Ssu Kyi were deeply unpopular in their respective countries.

Yet like Sarah Palin, the Dalai Lama and Aung San Ssu Kyi continue to command great respect from the people in the street without anyone doing any of the pollings. Palin had already proven thatwhen she mobilise people to refudiate Obama in 2010 election as Aung Sang Ssu Kyi had proven hers when she mobilised people to boycott the phoney election."

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