Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bullied Halifax boy gets head start from school

CBC News
The parents of an eight-year-old Halifax boy who say he has been relentlessly bullied want him to be transferred to another school, but officials say that isn't necessary.

Connor Eisenhauer, a Grade 3 student at Rockingstone Heights School in Spryfield, has been the victim of bullies at least twice a week, his parents say.

Once, on the walk home from school, another child 'kicked me in the face and chipped my teeth,' Connor said Tuesday. 'It really hurt.'

But officials at Connor's school say a transfer isn't the answer, his mother, Christina Eisenhauer, said Tuesday after meeting with vice-principal Trina Canavan.

For now, the school is going to allow Connor to leave five minutes early, Eisenhauer said. This will give him a head start so he can get home before bullies reach him.
I have no sensible reaction to this other than WTF

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