Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to squander the potential of a blog

Oracle Business Intelligence Blog
  1. "Opinions expressed are entirely our own and do not reflect the position of Oracle or any other corporation. Do NOT take anything written here, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, to be Oracle policy or reflecting Oracle's support policy." As the first thing on the blog.
  2. 4 authors listed and a grand total of 11 posts since 1 Jan 2008
  3. Comments open to only "Team Members". Sorry, but not allowing comments on a technology blog is shortsighted in my opinion. Most of the useful information in tech blogs comes from the interplay of authors and readers.
  4. Considering #3 having a captcha is clueless. Blogger does allow you to turn this off. If you do not trust your team members to keep their accounts secure then why are they team members?
  5. Mixing what seems to be very slightly altered white paper and/or marketing collateral with some truly outstanding posts on how to do data visualization right and wrong. The Junk Viz posts tend to be spot on and I would love to see more of them.
Not that I expect the authors to read this but this is a blog that i intend to keep in my feed for a couple more months and hope that they drop the marketing bumpf and include more actual content.

Hopefully the authors take this as a note from someone that wants to be a fan because that is how it is meant.

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