Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grameen Foundation

What we do | Grameen Foundation
Bold thinking and new ideas are critical if we are to win the fight against global poverty. Grameen Foundation is a leader in advancing innovative solutions to make microfinance and technology work better and help more people escape the cycle of poverty.

Using microfinance and technology, we work with local poverty-focused organizations and global allies to help them reach and serve more of the world's poor people more effectively. Our goal is to use our resources, knowledge and innovations to identify large scale solutions and strategies that really do move people out of poverty, and then share that knowledge widely. Our work focuses on six key areas:
This organization does so much good work that frankly it is astonishing. Please click through to their site and donate if you can. If you blog, blog about it. If you are reading this on Facebook, share it with your friends.
This is working from the bottom of the economic pyramid in a way that can profoundly help people help themselves.

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