Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ben Nelson - Moderate or Whore?

Senator signals possible health care compromise -
A moderate Senate Democrat said Sunday he could support a health-care bill that includes a provision for possibly bringing in a government-funded public health insurance option in the future.
Sen. Ben Nelson said a trigger mechanism would serve as a "fail-safe backstop."

The comment by Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska on CNN's "State of the Union" signaled a possible compromise on the most contentious issue in efforts to overhaul the nation's ailing health-care system.

Using the word moderate in association with Ben Nelson is so dishonest that I am shocked there isn't currently a rash of thunderstorms around Atlanta.

Imagine my shock at the list of his top contributors.


  1. You knew he would fold like the cheap suit he is. Even a triggered public option or co-ops are just a way to get the nose of the camel under the tent, and soon the camel will be in the tent. These are Trojan Horses. Beware the moderates; they are not moderates; they are (naive)acolytes of the fascist social welfare collectivist that is our current president.

  2. You obviously don't read my stuff very often (not shocking, no one does) because I am criticizing Sen Nelson for pretty much precisely the opposite reason that you are. If I thought that triggers would actually mean anything I would be hoisting Sen Nelson on my shoulders.

    Triggers are a sham and a way to delay reform until a GOP administration can gut it. The actions of such so-called moderate Dems as Sen Nelson are indistinguishable in effect from those of Republicans.

    You should be thrilled that he is now in favour of triggers, not upset. The fact that you do not understand this tells me that you have a very superficial understanding of how the health care "debate" is being fought.

    On a possibly related note, you might want to try looking up the definitions of the four words that you used to describe our current president. I am pretty sure that if you do that you will see that either they do not mean what you think they do or you will realize that stringing them together like that to describe the president is a sign that you really aren't paying attention to what he says and does.

    President Obama so far looks like a depressingly middle of the road Democratic politician. Anyone that thinks that he is some sort of radical leftist fascist (an oxymoron btw) is devoid of even the most basic understanding of politics.

  3. sen. nelson nothing more than an hmo whore
    working for his hmo pimps
    typical spineless democrats will rather loose and look clean, than win with mud on their shoes at least GWB stood for what he believed in regarless of how idiotic it was hurts to say Tucker Carlson
    once said the Dems should chane their logo to a circular firing squad truer words have not been spoken.

  4. Sadly Ricardo, they have the worst of both worlds going. They do have mud on their shoes and they are managing to look incompetent at the same time. It is quite a feat.

    I am hoping that President Obama comes out with a firm direction and a strong plan in his joint session this week but I am really not holding my breath.

  5. With all these contagious diseases like H1N1, high costs of health care, why would anybody oppose to Government's health care. If there's more available plan then there would be less infections and everybody will be safer. Airborn disease like H1N1 doesn't know polical stance or views. High cost of health care are destroying american business and economy; it's bad for everybody. I just don't mind paying bit more on tax to support safer country which is booming in economy.

  6. There you go using logic again. I couldn't agree with you more World Peace. Sadly, logic seems to be ineffective in this debate. People are more willing to buy the BS about death panels, Medicare cuts and other assorted crap that is being flung.

    It makes me worry about the governability of this country that something as self-evidently a good idea as reforming the health care (not health insurance) system is able to be gutted by a bunch of astroturfing, disingenuous and cynical operatives who are only interested in maintaining the status quo.

  7. Yo--Rob, Rob--be a Wolfe, not a snob--we know you're carrying water
    For your most exalted messiah, even tho you shouldn't oughta
    So..."President Obama is depressingly a 'middle of the road' politician"???
    No--your messiah's a marxist socialist--and more than a tad patrician
    And the joke's on you and Obama, too, 'cause that "resignation" of Van Jones
    Removes all doubt what the "messiah's" about--marxist down to his bones


    What Ole Rob "Missed" on Van Jones from Wikipedia...

    When he graduated law school, Jones gave up plans to take a job in Washington, D.C., and moved to San Francisco instead.[11] He got involved with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a group explicitly committed to revolutionary Marxist politics[15] whose points of unity were revolutionary democracy, revolutionary feminism, revolutionary internationalism, the central role of the working class, urban Marxism, and Third World Communism.[16] While associated with STORM, Jones actively began protesting police brutality.[11]


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