Sunday, July 5, 2009

Comment of the day at Swampland - I Hope this is a parody

The Sarah Palin I-Quit-arod - Swampland –
Anybody who thinks Sarah is a quitter does not understand the first thing about character. I listened to the resigning speech, and it made perfect sense to me. If she doesn't do it there may not be much left of this country in 3 1/2 years. She needs to jump in to the vacuum of common sense and talk some sanity back into politics. She is the only one that can do it that I know of. Washington elite is scared stiff of her and want to cut her off at the pass. She even did a sub 4 hr marathon, not bad for a four children mother. This takes dedication.
The Republican party is being cleansed of their hypocrites. Sarah is real, honest with an uncanny ability to take down fakes. When the emperor has no clothes she says so. This is the insanity she speaks of. I say Go, Sarah! You do have a higher calling

There is no way that this was written without tongue firmly planted in cheek. I hope.

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