Monday, June 29, 2009

RGE - Paul Krugman: Betraying the Planet

RGE - Paul Krugman: Betraying the Planet
Still, is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason? Isn’t it politics as usual?
Yes, it is — and that’s why it’s unforgivable.
Do you remember ... when Bush administration officials claimed that terrorism posed an “existential threat” to America,... [so] normal rules no longer applied? That was hyperbole — but the existential threat from climate change is all too real.
Yet the deniers are choosing, willfully, to ignore that threat, placing future generations of Americans in grave danger, simply because it’s in their political interest to pretend that there’s nothing to worry about. If that’s not betrayal, I don’t know what is.

I invite my readers to investigate the precautionary principle

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