Saturday, June 6, 2009

Josh Marshall on the stupidity that is west back settlement policy

Ackerman's Nonsense | TPM
But the essence is this. What we're talking about is the right to have your kids build their house and start their family down the street from you when they get married -- a 'right' few people in the world have.

There's some important context to understand here. A good number of the settlements are deep into the West Bank. But in modern transportation terms, most function as bedroom communities that are a reasonable commute from cities in Israel proper, where many of the settlers actually work. So, you live in settlement X, maybe when your daughter gets married and wants to start her own family there's no more room in the settlement and she and her husband have to buy a home fifteen miles away in Israel proper. To say such a freeze amounts to throwing away grandparents or telling people not to have children is really malicious nonsense.

I couldn't have said it better myself (obviously)

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