Friday, April 3, 2009

Douchebaggery from Debbie Schussel

Via the fine foks at Sadly, No comes this bit of steaming horseshit from Debbie Schlussel
So, the identity of the shooter at the American Civic Association has been learned: Jiverly Voong, 42, had just lost his job at IBM.

But there's an interesting piece of info that's come out in the reporting and it may point to immigration fraud at the center.

One point of immigration law that isn't enforced nearly enough is that those seeking citizenship must take the citizenship test in English. There are few exceptions, like if the applicant mentally incompetent. But there's a reason the citizenship test prep book below is in English . . . AND Spanish. Too many people who don't speak English game the system and get citizenship.

But it looks like most of those who were at the American Civic Association at the time of the rampage didn't speak English. And yet, most were there to take the citizenship test.

Yeah, the real story isnt that someone went nuts and killed a bunch of people it is that some folks that want to become citizens might not  fluently speak English and so were taking a fucking English class. She even admits as much at the end of her story but does it like this ...
Yes, some of the people were there in an English class, but how many who couldn't speak English were among those taking the citizenship test?

Probably more than you'd think.

In other words, based on NOTHING.

Sorry to GlobalCitizen for the title but there isnt another word to describe this evil bitch except for one that you know I NEVER use.

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