Monday, June 2, 2008

Molly Ivors on primary stupidity

Molly Ivors, over at Whiskeyfire, has a nice piece talking about the current primary season.
I began this primary season as an Edwards supporter, and for me, class is still one of the key issues in this campaign. For better or worse, the only reason HRC is still in the running is because (belatedly, perhaps calculatedly) she has seized the fallen banner of populism and is waving it for all it's worth. The economy is in freefall, and people who used to think they made a decent living are now finding themselves shopping at Aldi's with everybody else. Populism is more important than anything, even the war, at this point. Edwards has endorsed Obama, a decision I respect but find curious, given Obama's generally more centrist domestic program, but the amount of sneering at actual, you know, poor people among Obama supporters, at least in the left blogosphere, is disturbing. I recognize the distinction between the candidate and the virulence of some supporters, but plenty of otherwise sensible people become genuinely unmoored when talking about my senator, and it saddens me.

This is a very good point and I hope that all of us that think it is important to elect a Democratic President in 2008 will remember that neither of our candidates is actually evil and most of the people that supported them are neither brainwashed cultists nor crazed harpies.

Keep your eyes on the ball people, because it is still possible to fuck this up.

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