Tuesday, June 3, 2008

David Brooks is a fuckwit

I just don't have the words to describe how stupid this is ...
DAVID BROOKS, “NEW YORK TIMES”: Obama‘s problem is he doesn‘t seem like a guy who can go into an Applebee‘s salad bar and people think he fits in naturally there. He has to change to be more like that Applebee‘s guy and as he‘s done that he‘s become much more transactional. Much more, I‘m going to deliver this and this and this to you on policy.

I‘ve been speaking to Obama campaign people in the last few days. I think they are a little too complacent about the fall election. I think they don‘t quite realize they‘re going to have to do a few big changes to get his identity more in tune with independent voters who right now see Barack Obama as Jeremiah Wright‘s guy and sort of a question mark. An attractive question mark.

Another fucking Republican concern troll ...

I don't want the President to be a guy that eats at Applebee's because .. Applebee's sucks.
I don't want the President to be a guy that I want to have a beer with

I want the President to be the smartest and most competent person possible. Haven't we seen over the last 7 years where that stupid fucking "regular guy as president" bullshit gets us?

Sorry for not really having a point with this but it is just so fucking stupid a bit of narrative that it has me sputtering.

And .. just for the amusement value .... Applebee's doesn't have a salad bar ....

fuck fuck fuck fuck how stupid is this election campaign going to be?

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