Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jon Swift Nails it

So glad that he is back ...
We don't need to take a risk on a President who could make things even worse than they already are. We need a President like McCain who, when the telephone rings at 3:00 in the afternoon, waking him up from his nap, would be ready to answer it and solve whatever crisis needed to be solved. Unlike the inexperienced Obama, McCain was born the day before yesterday and he's forgotten more than Obama knows. He's seen a lot of slick-talking con men in his day, promising to make things better before they slipped out of town absconding with his money and he knows that the only change you can really believe in is hardly any change at all. That's the kind of change America deserves. Why fix something that isn't broke? America may be getting on in years and may not be as quick on its feet as it used to be but let's not trade it in for a brand-new America when the old one works just fine.

Now, Jon Swift is a satirical writer but he has neatly encapsulated why McCain is in trouble. America does need to change. The last 7 years have been a disaster for the country in many ways both at home and abroad and just about everyone recognizes that. I think that it is entirely possible that McCain ends up in November with 40% of the vote once reasonable people realize that he isn't for any real type of change and once Bob Barr siphons off 5-6% of the hardcore libertarian/anti-government vote.

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