Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dumbest Comment Of the Day - Edition

Letters: Herman Cain produces incredibly tasteless 9/11 video - Salon:
"I'm not sure, but one thing I am sure of and that is that very few Salonistas have a right to comment.

I say that as one of the ones that have a right to comment.

When you strapped on a gun or put on a flak vest...

When you lost your significant other at the Twin Trade Towers or one of the planes commandeered by terrorists...

When you've watched what little if anything of your loved one lowered into the cold earth wondering when you will be able to hold them again...

When you cough up parts of the aftermath after going thru the rubble looking for bodies...

When you've put a bullet into another man and watched the his life essence ebb away...

Then you have a right to give your opinion--and have it matter...

Last time I looked, Pareene didn't qualify for any of the above.

And that is why we say that today's liberal is yesterday's Redneck, Bigot and Fascist...A little more educated, but just the flip side of the same coin.

A pity. Yesterday's Liberals are turning over in their graves."

'via Blog this'

This kind of bullshit cannot be accepted as correct for that way lies the world of personal experience rather than common values and that world is a very nasty place.

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