Saturday, February 5, 2011

GOP Strategy - Win The Past

ThinkProgress » Calling For An ‘Innovation Economy,’ Rep. McCotter Makes The Case For 19th-Century Technology: "The larger point, however, is that McCotter’s idea of “innovation” in the 21st century is holding on to a 19th-century product with an iron grip. McCotter is undoubtedly correct that the incandescent bulb was “one of the greatest innovations in American history.” But the entire premise of innovation is that we keep improving instead of resting on our laurels. That’s precisely what is happening with modern upgrades to the incandescent light bulb. The New York Times reported last year that “the incandescent bulb is turning into a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation.”"


  1. McCotter is not wrong, in my view

    Understanding why the regulation-for -innovation argument does not hold:

    The light bulb ban is wrong for many reasons,
    as extensively covered on the website.

    For example, why the supposed energy savings are not there, using
    official US Dept of Energy references:

  2. In my view, your view is incorrect and there is nothing on the linked to site that puts forth a coherent argument.

    Wishing that electricity was generated by methods other than what it is might be fun as a thought experiment and I might even agree that some of the alternatives are pretty good but in the world that we live in the majority electricity is generated (in the US) by good old dirty coal, oil or gas


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