Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Third way or same old way?

Via Oliver Willis
Third Way is the newest attempt of the corporate elements within the Democratic party to move the party into something that’s just a smidge less conservative than the GOP. It pushes the sort of DLC thinking that led Clinton to embrace the types of conservative deregulation that helped to cause the financial crisis. Look no further than Third Way’s honorary co-chairs, people like Blanche Lincoln and Evan Bayh who rarely have seen a right-leaning “solution” they didn’t like. Or Artur Davis, who ran so far to the right he got whomped in the Democratic primary for Governor of Alabama.
I find it interesting that these so-called moderate movements are mostly made up of self-identified Democrats moving to the right and not Republicans moving to the left. When Republicans want to reach out they reach out to the far right, not the middle.

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