Saturday, October 9, 2010

Magic ponies, Democrats and November

from FDL
But the Democratic Party, while not in total denial, is not running on a platform to address any of these problems. They’re silent. And without knowing what, if anything, they plan to do about the monstrous issues facing the country, and trying to enlist the voters’ support in tackling those issues, they’ve given the voters no reason to vote for them.
To which I can only say ... Any left (or even center) leaning person that gives a shit about this country and does not vote for their local Democratic candidate for the House or the Senate should sit beside the 2000 Naderites on the "I am a dumbfuck" bench. There are no excuses for allowing a Republican takeover of Congress just because you didn't get a magic pony when Obama was elected. Suck it up and be a grownup.

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