Friday, October 29, 2010

In defense of Gawker

Zandar Versus The Stupid: Epic Not Even My Worst Enemy Fail
Look folks, politically the woman is toxic. She's ill-equipped to be a United States Senator, absolutely. I would not vote for her if I lived in Delaware. She's against everything I stand for, or nearly everything, and the rest she's just making up to the point of willful ignorance.

But she is a human being, worthy of basic human courtesy and decency, and nobody should be treated like this. Nobody. Period. This pile of smoking misogynistic fecal matter is beneath even Gawker. You want to go after her politics? Go after her politics. You want to go after her for picking up someone 14 years younger? That just makes you a complete bunch of assholes. Beat her on the issues. Leave the personal stuff out of it.
Zandar is right. There is no defending this kind of bullshit.

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