Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another SuperFreakonomics Smackdown

Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » How They Do It In Chicago
As much as I love the professional climatologists who write RealClimate, they rarely let the anti-science crowd bait them into the kind of high dudgeon that makes PZ Myers or Tom Levenson so much fun to read.

Part of the reason for their patient tone is that most denialists are either too limited (e.g., Inhofe) or too mercenary (TechCentralStation, George Will) to absorb any correction. Since the debate opponent won’t even acknowledge that you exist most of the time, real climate scientists usually write for interested third parties. That is what makes the response from RC to the pseudo-denialist authors of Superfreakonomics (in truth, contrarians of the vanity kind that DougJ writes about), professionals with credibility to defend, so worthwhile to read.
I know that at this point it is kind of like kicking a puppy but I had to share this. Wander over to Balloon Juice to read the comments and then to RealClimate to read the full post.

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