Thursday, March 5, 2009

TBogg strikes again

TBogg » You’re going to miss me when I’m gone. No. No I won’t. Why are you still here?
But no, he didn't, and norbizness, commenting over at LG&M, explains their completely reasonable response:

Yeah, if the marginal tax rate on my 250,001th dollar meant I kept 62 cents of it rather than 65 cents (or whatever the increase would be), I would pretty much go apeshit and fire everyone.

I will miss our Don't Understand the Marginal Tax Rate Overlords. I can only hope my favorite barista makes $249,999 a year or less because 7/11 coffee sucks and my day might come to a grinding halt if it's not freshly ground.

I can add nothing to this. But then I generally can't to his posts.


  1. You know TBogg's an idiot, right?

  2. Well, given a choice of TBogg's style of idiocy and the style of idiocy of someone that thinks something like this

    "I can't say that Michael Steele's appointment as RNC chairman knocked my socks off. I didn't even write a post about at the time. I do have seriously questions about the man's intelligence and integrity, however, after he bashed Rush Limbaugh the other day."

    I have to say that I will stick with the guy with the bassett hounds.
    Thanks for playing though!


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