Via Thers over at firedoglake comes news of this loony site
The Other White People
Someone please explain to me how the fuck saying that "Western civilization is the best civilization" isn't fairly equivalent to being a white supremacist.
And while I am in the naming and shaming business. How hard up does Denise Lukas at Academus Design have to be in order that she thinks that this is a good thing to have in her fucking portfolio
Colour me astonished on this one.

The Other White People
This is a blogsite run by Mary Grabar, who does not apologize for being white, who believes that "hope" and "change" come not from some academic, politician, or celebrity, but from within with the help of God, and that Western civilization is the best civilization. All who hold such values are welcome to participate in this forum. You don't have to be white. The only ones not welcome are supremacists of any kind, white, black, or other.
Someone please explain to me how the fuck saying that "Western civilization is the best civilization" isn't fairly equivalent to being a white supremacist.
And while I am in the naming and shaming business. How hard up does Denise Lukas at Academus Design have to be in order that she thinks that this is a good thing to have in her fucking portfolio
Colour me astonished on this one.
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