Sunday, October 26, 2008

Digby Speaks

Noonan writes in elegant prose, but the meaning of her words are no different than what Sarah palin and the crazies at the McCain-Palin rallies are spewing. She's spent the last couple of decades helping to create this vulgar political world and now she's trying to separate herself from what she's done. And that's yet another way in which she's just a typical conservative like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh --- when her vulgar politics catch up with her, instead of standing tall and taking responsibility she pretends that she was somewhere else.

I hope that people don't get so caught up with these late breaking "conversions" to the one true faith that they forget that these people are not heretics or apostates. They are opportunistic cowards, pure and simple --- rats deserting a sinking ship --- and they will never, ever change.

Trust 'em? Not for a minute.

Go read the whole thing. She says what i, in my far less effective way, said yesterday.

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