Monday, July 7, 2008

Carly Fiorina is a dishonest hack and Jay Newton-Small Knows it

Via Jay Newton-Small at Swampland comes this bit.

“My point is this: when Barack Obama says that the Bush tax cuts only helped the wealthy it is factually untrue. It is factually true that 23 million small businesses file as individuals. It is factually true that small businesses create 70% of the jobs in this country. So I honestly won’t even attempt to explain Barack Obama’s economic plan. You ought to ask them that, though.”

This statement, while factually true, is terribly misleading since only a small percentage of the 23 million small businesses would actually see tax increases and the Obama campaign argues that under his administration small businesses would benefit from his universal healthcare plan, offsetting any tax increases the top tier earners might see. So, when running HP did 23 million = a few hundred thousand? No wonder she got fired.

I seem to recall making a point about Ms Fiorina before.

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