Monday, November 5, 2007

Musharraf had "no other choice"

In an address to the nation that ended in the early minutes of Sunday, Musharraf justified his declaration on the grounds that he needed a free hand to battle rising militancy in Pakistan.

But a top adviser conceded later Sunday that the final decision came only after a Supreme Court judge quietly informed the government last week that the court would rule against Musharraf's effort to stay on as president.

"After that, there was no option," said Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, president of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League. "He is not happy with this decision, frankly speaking. We are all not happy with the decision. But there was no other choice."

Because of course the other option would have meant that he would no longer be president and God forbid that happen. After all he is the only person that could possibly run that country.

Republicans would do well to study the speech he gave for hints and tips. You never know when a Supreme Court is going to rule against you ... oh .. never mind.

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