Thursday, November 8, 2007

Canadian Auto Workers and Magna reach first deal under new framework

The Canadian Auto Workers union has signed up its first Magna International Inc. parts plant under the Framework of Fairness agreement the two organizations signed last month.

About 250 workers at a plant called Windsor Modules, which supplies door components to Chrysler LLC factories in Windsor, Ont., and St. Louis, Mo., ratified a three-year agreement that increases wages to about $15 an hour immediately from $12 and will boost them to about $17.85 an hour over the length of the deal.

About 87 per cent of workers ratified the deal, which does not give them the right to strike, a contentious point in the Framework of Fairness that has created strong criticism from some CAW members, including the union's largest local in Oshawa, Ont., as well as others in the labour movement.

Layoff and job security provisions in the deal are new benefits to Magna workers under the agreement, the union said in a statement.

I think that this bodes well for the future of labour relations in NOrth America but then I am a hopeless optimist.

The money still isn't great but it is better than it was and the deals have some nice job security provisions in them.

Read the article at

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