Sunday, October 28, 2007

Magna and the unions-a lesson?

For more than a year however, Mr. Stronach has been talking about letting both the Canadian Auto Workers and the United Auto Workers unions in as a way to put aside old management-labour divisions in the North American auto industry and ensure its survival. The hope is that the newfound co-operation could foster a new work model -- and keep auto parts and automaking jobs that might otherwise move to other continents. As Dan Luria, an analyst at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center put it, Mr. Stronach "wants to be able to say he remade labour relations in North America."

And this, boys and girls, is how a CEO with a clue deals with unions nowadays. Frank Stronach is above all interested in making money. If he thinks that making the unions a partner is going to make him more money then that is what he is going to do. Compare that with the stupidity that you often see where union leaders are said to be in favour of making companies uncompetitive.

Go read the story.

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