Friday, August 9, 2013

Megyn Kelly's Greatest hits

News Corpse » Fox News Rewards Megyn Kelly’s Bootlicking Conservative Bias With A Promotion To Primetime::
"Kelly defended an anti-Islam filmmaker as a “patsy” of the Obama administration.
Kelly asserted that Americans have “gotta get a little squeamish” about the prospect of being killed by drones.
Kelly told her colleague Bill O’Reilly that pepper spray used against student protesters was just “a food product, essentially.”
Kelly moderated a discussion that was based on a series of “Fox Facts” that were cribbed directly from a Republican National Committee press release.
Kelly featured a disreputable reporter with a history of violence (who was later arrested for sexually assaulting a four year old girl) in her frequent attacks on the funders of the Islamic Center that Fox derisively referred to as the “Ground Zero Mosque.”
Kelly misrepresented the results of a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll to argue that Democrats are defying the will of the people.
Kelly helped to cover up the extra-marital affair of GOP senator John Ensign and failed to disclose her personal involvement in the story."

'via Blog this'

She will be a fine replacement for Sean Hannity.

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