Sunday, June 30, 2013

On Moderate Chris Christie

Lest we forget that Chris Christie is a conservative through and through.
But Christie? For every occasionally decent gesture (such as his response to Islamophobic critics who attacked him for appointing a Muslim judge), there tend to be at least a half dozen other acts that are fairly heinous. Here are a few: Christie is resolutely anti-choice, has vetoed funding for Planned Parenthood and equal pay for women, has inflicted devastating budget cuts that have shredded the state’s safety net, and has awarded political allies with sweetheart no-bid contracts. 
And what kind of “moderate” would turn down billions of dollars in free federal money for a much-needed train tunnel to New York City? Every time I visit Jersey and sit in traffic on the Lincoln, I think of this. The icing on the cake is that the tunnel money amounted, in the midst of an historic recession, to the biggest public works project in the nation.
He is an obnoxious asshole and a conservative. He is not a straight-talking pragmatist as some  might have you think.

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