Sunday, March 17, 2013

Digby Goes Full Cynic

"The West Wing was a sappy television show about a fictional White House. It was a formulaic as they come, except it had some good snappy dialog. It's nice that it portrayed the government as being filled with "deeply committed and well-intentioned people trying to do good things in a very difficult, complex and political environment." I'm sure everyone enjoyed believing that. But it is not real, and any sense among these people in the White House that they are the heroes of our national political drama is just plain puerile. And kind of dangerous, to be honest. That kind of over-weening self-regard doesn't exactly lend itself to the questioning of one's assumptions. (Like whether or not we need to keep pursuing the White Whale of a Grand Bargain no matter what the circumstances.) "
'via Blog this'

I am kind of disconcerted to see that Digby has become so completely cynical about politics. If you do not think that there is any good will left in the system then you are one step away from giving up.

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